ChemEng stuff followers

Friday, January 26, 2024

Does it matter to know how an instrument works?

 The short anwer is YES, it does.

However, one can always make a further question.

Choosing among different instrument techonologies

Why does it?

This question is anwered by recalling about two important activities in engineering:

  • instrument selection and
  • instrument specification.
You cannot select/specify the most convinient instrument for your control loop or monitoring or recording task unless you know the process requirements such as
  • precision,
  • installation location,
  • available power,
  • available budget,
  • control mode,
  • compatibility with already installed hardware/software, etc.
Once you know the above you need to find the instrument technology that matches this requirements. The only way of doing this is by also knowing the working principles of a number of instruments or technologies available.

You should remember, as well, that selection/specification may become an iterative procedure. This is, a choice for instrument with certain capabilities may be changed in further stages of the design of a control loop so that models, power input, communication, etc. can change a number of times.

Knowing the working principles of the instruments installed in the process may also help in troubleshooting assesment. This not only will save you time but money.

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