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Thursday, August 29, 2024

a and b constants data for the van der Waals equation

 Here are some data for constants a and b appearing in the van der Waals equation:

Gas Formula a (atm L2/mol2) b (L/mol)
Acetylene C2H2 4.390 0.05136
Ammonia NH3 4.170 0.03707
Carbon dioxide CO2 3.592 0.04267
Ethane C2H6 5.489 0.0638
Ethylene C2H4 4.471 0.05714
Helium He 0.03508 0.0237
Hydrogen H2 0.244 0.0266
Hydrogen chloride HCl 3.667 0.04081
Krypton Kr 2.318 0.03978
Mercury Hg 8.093 0.01696
Methane CH4 2.253 0.0428
Neon Ne 0.2107 0.01709
Nitric oxide NO 1.340 0.02789
Nitrogen N2 1.390 0.03913
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 5.284 0.04424
Oxygen O2 1.360 0.03183
Propane C3H8 8.664 0.08445
Sulfur dioxide SO2 6.714 0.05636
Xenon Xe 4.194 0.05105
Water H2O 5.464 0.03049

Please, be aware of the units.

Any question? Write in the comments and I shall try to help.

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